October investigations

There was a period of time last year when I was really on a roll with my monthly zines. I really love to research and discover things, in fact I will go so far as say it is one of my gifts. I love sharing the things and I don’t believe in gatekeeping. I remember the first time someone in elementary school copied me, it made me so mad. Even at a young age I wanted to feel like an individual, to try to be original. My mom told me, “baby copying is the biggest form of flattery.” Now the road to accept this logic has not always been easy but the older I get the more at peace I feel with it all. There aren't many new ideas under the sun and as creatives we are of course always inspired be other creatives. Our job is to take make things feel fresh, our own. I think that early experience made it possible for me to be OK with sharing (and also possibly being the oldest of 4 kids) and helped me realized there is enough to go around. When it comes to knowledge I believe it should be shared. Whether that knowledge is on a technique, food discoveries, natural medicine, where to score the best brutalist candle holder or where to get the best pastry in Amsterdam ( that's Ulmus Bakerij), I believe it should be passed on. So back to the zines, I want to get back to a version of these. I want to share my finds with you all, it would be my pleasure. I think they will look a little different then they did before and they might even look different again 3 months from now. But for the foreseeable future you can find a monthly round up of finds here on my journal. Ok let's get into it.
Enjoy friends, 
xx AR


Check out some of my favorite contemporary finds this month. Vintage is always my go too but sometimes you need to look outside the vintage box and see what new goods hit the market. Zara Home & H&M Home are really impressive this Fall, lots of high end designs at a lower price point. I have a verrrry big wish list. Check out my favs! 


I have loved Pinterest since it's very early days, it changed the way I put together mood boards for clients back when I was a floral designer. If you are an avid Pinterest user you know that it's change a lot, more selling less inspiration. I have been praying a new space would emerge for creatives to gather inspiration as well as share it. My prayers have been answered and the answer is COSMOS. Just beautiful imagery, amazing design and an easy to use platform. You have to check it out, it's still newish so be gentle and patience with a little bit of buggy behavior. Overall though it's just wonderful. Watch the intro video if you sign up, so cool! 



INSPO : 2023 musings pt. 4